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RO is the way to Go
RO stands for Reverse Osmosis, in this case, we’re talking about the reverse osmosis water filter systems that are offered on We’ll be going over some reasons why you should have an RO system in your home. Ready? Let’s begin!
For the most part, city water coming out of the tap should be safe to drink, but what turns people off would be the taste and odor. Tap water doesn’t always taste and smell good. In fact, many won’t drink it because of the texture, or mouthfeel that one gets when taking a sip of water from the tap. Tap water has a unique taste and mouthfeel, it ranges from feeling thick, metallic, and swampy. It also depends on the water source that the water district gets it water from. Many pump from deep underground wells and the water from them are typically going to be hard.
This means that the water was exposed to high levels of calcium and magnesium from the underground rocks and minerals found in wells/aquifers. These minerals are known to affect the overall texture of water, which makes gives tap water that all to familiar mouthfeel whether you are drinking tap water from one city to another.
There are a few reasons why water would give off an odor, and taste, mainly it has to do with how the water was treated at the municipal source. Many water districts deploy chlorine, fluoride, and chloramine to sanitize the water, to ensure that the water that comes out of the faucet in a home or business is safe to drink.
Though their intentions are noble, it often sacrifices the quality of the water. When these chemicals are introduced into the water system, it will influence the taste and odor of water. Basically if the tap water smells like a swimming pool, then it’s safe to assume that the water district used chlorine to sanitize it.

To remedy the issue of chlorine taste and odor in tap water, many have turned to the solution of using simple faucet and pitcher style filters. Faucet and pitcher filters do an OK job in removing chlorine from the tap, but that’s about it. These basic filters are equipped with small carbon elements inside that are not enough to address other contaminants found in tap water. These contaminants can range from volatile organic compounds, pesticides, chemicals, bacteria and viruses.
However, by using a reverse osmosis water filter system, you will be able to remove 99.99% of all contaminants and impurities found in tap water. Keep in mind, this isn’t limited to chlorine, but it will also remove bacteria, cysts, viruses, arsenic, radium, protozoa, turbidity, amoebic, giardia, and more. Since the RO has removed all of those contaminants, water will taste pure. This means it won’t have that odd mouthfeel, no more odors and weird textures. In addition, the RO system will improve the overall quality, especially the taste of water.
Pure water definitely has a different texture and flavor all together. And thanks to RO water, coffee, teas and foods made with pure water will taste amazing. Did you know that the mineral impurities found in tap water affects how coffee and teas taste? The water soluble minerals can also make baking bread challenging. The hard minerals can prevent the dough from rising and leave it dense and at times, flat and heavy.
Reverse osmosis water is so pure that it is safe to use with cpap machines, clothing irons, steamers, humidifiers and cigar humidors. Basically, if something requires distilled water, most likely, RO water will do just fine. Installing an RO system in a home doesn’t take too much mechanical know how. The kits sold on come with easy to follow instructions and are rich with photos to help anyone get the job done.

Having an RO system in a home would be one of the best upgrades anyone could do. They are relatively affordable, easy to install and it’s an investment that provides a return each time it’s used. Each time a glass is filled with water, that’s money being saved from having to buy a bottled equivalent. But the real return on investment would be you and your family’s health. An RO system protects your loved ones from all sorts of nasty contaminants found in water.