I am an auto detailer and I use RO/DI water to clean cars. Before I used to to buy the DI water from the deatiler supply shop at $0.20/gallon. I'd spend almost $250 a month just on water. That's when I decided to get my own RO DI system. The initial investment was steep, but long term I'll be saving money. Basically what I would have paid in 2 months of water, I could have bought my water system with that same cash. The only problem with my new set up, it was slow. So I added this booster pump to speed it up. Now all I have to do is when I get up in the morning, I turn on my hose, the booster pump, and let it fill up my tanks while I eat breakfast and drink coffee. By the time I'm ready to head out, the tank is filled up! It's one less trip I have to do since I no longer need to go buy water. It's totally worth it.